About PuiPui
About PuiPui
Sometimes he is a detective, sometimes he is a Photographer, and sometimes he is a chef, and other times he is the soccer player representing the Japan.
However, his true identity is ... Holland lop bunny.
PuiPui is so dapper he even has his own personal photographer and stylist - his owner, mumitan - who handmakes all of his outfits.
PuiPui was blessed with the opportunity to be introduced on media around the world. Many people said that they had never seen such a rabbit before, and seeing his pictures made them feel happy.
He brought me many wonderful encounters.
PuiPui passed away on Nov. 20th 2018.
We are grateful for everyone's support. Thank you for giving lots of love to him.
My's handmade costumes and this adorable fluffy model's photography adventures can all be followed in detail on Instagram.

- QWhere do you get PuiPui's hats and clothes?
- All of PuiPui's clothes, hats, and even crowns is handmade by me.
I always choose a soft, light, elastic, and comfortable fabric, which will allow PuiPui to move freely.
These clothes are made to fit PuiPui perfectly, so he stays relaxed.
- QIs PuiPui OK to wear clothes?
- PuiPui is very calm and easy-going rabbit.
He is OK to wear clothes, but I try to shorten the time to put them on him.
I take such good care of PuiPui and prioritize his comfort and safety.
- QDo rabbits like to dress up?
- A rabbit with clothes is very cute, but it's not natural for them to wear it. And many of Rabbits do not like it.
Rabbits tend to be a lot more sensitive than most dogs. Before you dress your rabbit up, step back and think about his/her personality.
I believe that rabbits' mental and physical health should always come as a top priority.